Wednesday, February 6, 2013


To have the thickest skin
And still walk so tall
For years & even now
They pray to watch me fall
Their petty words & ways
Gave me the needed vision
To ignite change and give strength
To some who lost their direction

Their breath is wasted
It's such a bitter pill to choke on
Their time is fleeting, passing
Waiting for my swan song
Tearing me down
Will never raise you any higher
Criticize, condemn, complain
The mirror show who takes the blame

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Thats a title a lot of people throw around....its in a lot of songs and a lot of proclamations.  But i wonder how many people truly live it?

Do you understand what true loyalty means and how to live it?

Do you know how to be there for someone when they are at there lowest point in life?

Are you there for your friends when they make mistakes?  Or do you abandon them?

Cause thats when your friends really need you....when they've fucked up and have nothing left.

I've searched hi and low for true brotherhood, north and south, east and west.  I've seen it all and I've been rejected by a lot of different people.  A real friend will be there for you through all the hots and colds....through every season of your life....they will come visit you in jail and not turn there backs WHEN you make mistakes.

Because believe me, NO ONE is perfect.  NO ONE.  No one is better than anyone else because they're "straight edge" or not, because they dress a certain way, or belief in a certain religion.  True and honorable loyalty has no basis on any of that.

I've had the honor of becoming friends with a extreme select few that i call my brothers.  I can count them on one hand and have extra fingers.  True brothers and sisters are few and far if you have someone in your life that has been there through every season, appreciate them and dont ever let them go.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

how the fuck am i suppose to feel, when everything i know lies broken at my feet?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

i wont fall in line so you'll accept me
i could never live my life that way
nothing to prove to you or anybody else
cause i have already proven this to myself